Statement on COVID-19 Response
As you will be fully aware from the press and other related media outlets the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is affecting both the population and business at large.
As you will be fully aware from the press and other related media outlets the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is affecting both the population and business at large.
Whilst at present it is business as usual for all at MV Commercial, we are monitoring the position very closely on a daily basis. We have put into place various contingency plans should the need arise with our main objectives being the welfare and safety of our customers, staff and suppliers.
Our aim is to continue to run the business with minimum disruption by utilising mitigation measures to ensure that we keep service and support levels to the highest possible standard to help our customers through this serious situation.
During this uncertain time, we will be acting on guidance as provided by various Public Health bodies regarding personal hygiene and we encourage all to maintain good hand, respiratory and personal hygiene by employing the ‘Catch It. Bin It. Kill It’ ethos as well as social distancing where possible.
By working together and following guidance we hope that we can minimise any impact from the virus to you, your families and loved ones, friends and business.
Many thanks,
The MV Team